
Leonie Schneider

Leonie Schneider was a participant on the second Psilocybin for Depression study (Psilodep 2) at Imperial College, in December 2019, and is living proof of the impact of these medicines. To say her life was changed is an understatement, and Leonie is now committed to expanding access to these psychedelically assisted therapies and will be starting further studies in September 2020. She is turning her gaze from a policy and research career in connecting people via Internet access, to focusing on connecting people to themselves, each other and the planet through these medicines and therapies. The Internet will no doubt, still play a role.

Leonie is now the Experience Retreats Coordinator for the Psychedelic Society, soon to be known as Alalaho. She has an almost lifelong passion for plant medicines and other psychedelics having experienced first-hand the transformative and life-enhancing effects of these medicines.


Marta Kaczmarczyk